Business Modeling for Startups and Entrepreneurs

Ever wondered what differentiates really successful startups from others? If Product is the heart of a company, a business model is the arteries that makes sure the company survives. Questions like, Who are my customers? How am I going to generate revenues and profits for this business etc., requires deep introspection of your company’s business model.

This intensive workshop will explore two different types of Business Model frameworks namely: Lean Canvas (Problem/Solution Fit) and Business Model Canvas (BMC). 2017 will be a year where companies with great products along with great Business Models will survive successfully. If you’re considering Venture Capital funding, this factor becomes even more important.

So, join us for this fun class and learn business modeling!

Agenda (10:00 AM – 1:30 PM):

  • Introduction to Business Models
  • Lean Canvas
  • Business Model Canvas (BMC)
  • Q & A

Target Audience:

  • Startups of all stages (Idea/Early/Growth/Expansion)
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Students

Event Tickets are available here:

About the Event Organizer:

Pradeep is an Entrepreneur who believes in building companies that has potential to change the world. He specializes in Business Model Innovation, Venture Capital, and Events Management. As the Founder of Startup Wizardry, he has innovated top value events, that has helped many Startups to scale their business. He is the Chapter Leader of global events such as Rockstart Answers (Amsterdam), Startup Live (Vienna), Café Numerique (Belgium), and Events Curator for Startup Digest (Techstars). As a Mentor for Accelerators like NUMA (Paris), Institute of Product Leadership (Bangalore), and Raffles Design School (Bangalore), he has helped startups to innovate profitable Business Models. Prior to this, he worked as a Management Consultant at US Government Agencies in Washington DC.

His personal interest is in cooking, music, movies, fashion, food, events, travel, and arts.


Founder of Startup Wizardry | Rockstart Answers | Startup Live | Café Numérique | Startup Digest

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