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Bollywood Guessing Game on mobile – how to market?

Hi Friends,

In my free time experimented making this app on Bollywood Movies. You see 4 scenes from the movie and then guess the movie name. 

Results Till Now: 14,000 downloads, About 100,000 pageviews (or movie answers) every month – Mostly since past 4 months.

Till now most of the advertising has been on personal level – facebook, alumni groups, colleagues. A lot of flow also coming from search results. 

Need your feedback on how to market this more? Any suggestions are welcome.

P.S. Recently made another one on Hollywood (slightly different concept) … Have not done marketing at all .. all suggestions welcome!


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  1. Hi Shubham,

    The app seems great! Just wanted to know: aren’t the images you are using copyrighted? What about copyright issues and infringement?

  2. Hi Amit,

    We have tried to use NPR filtering on all images. They essentially become sketches. Also everything taken from trailers. Have taken the concept from some hollywood based apps with similar approaches. Ofcourse best approach is to sketch all the scenes and can do it if this gets enough traction. Right now more of an experiment stage.



  3. Hey Shubham, congrats for making and releasing the game. I know the effort it takes to go through the complete product lifecycle  from ideation, release, marketing and updating app single handedly. Below is my feedback, hope you can take it positively. 

    1) include google play services to add achievement and leader board since playstore has separate section for games with play services. 
    2) as much as i appreciate that you would have designed the game yourself, I would suggest to get help from designer, it looks patched up right now. There are lots of games taking holo theme like kiip 7×7 , snake. You might want to consider that approach since it looks neat as well as you can code the whole game yourself. Text readability is a problem right now- black on dark blue bg.
    3) embed +1 button in app. google ranking algorithm gives as much imp to number of +1 as it gives to rating and users dnt have to go to playstore to do +1 once u include it in app. Just general observation, do not have proof of it. 
    4) I think you are moving too fast on in-app purchases and ads. First perfect the gameplay and increase user base. Expecting people to type in answer in editbox on mobile, that too for playing trivia game is too much. Game offers 4 options only when player has enough coins, its spoiling the fun of game. Btw I tried entering sholey for round 1 it did not accept.

    You might want to check out – for some inspiration. 

    I have consolidated some app virality tips here . Alok sir too has posts on game virality. check this Search the forum for more posts or ask asha for help 🙂

    Hope it helps!   

  4. Thanks a lot for the suggestions Nivedita. I am definitely going to implement some of them.

  5. hey shubham,

    how did the hollywood app do?

    did you make any more after this??!!

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