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How to Beat Your Competition to the Discussion Table (With Customers Who’ve Made a Purchase Decision)

This post was inspired by a friend of mine – who is into B2B sales – whining about how he had lost out on two large deals because he wasn’t ‘around’ when the customer finally decided to buy. This happened a while after he had last met with the customer, who had mentioned that they would buy ‘sometime in the future’. When the customer finally decided to buy, the poor chap wasn’t informed. The business went to a competing brand… The advice that I gave him, I decided to transform into a blog & slideshare post…. hope this helps anyone on this forum who has sales responsibilities…

Do leave your comments (criticism is welcome too) below…. I’d love to hear from you…


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  1. Another good one from you James..Definitely content is the key to establishing authenticity for a brand. As a copy writer it has always been challenging to develop creative.engaging and credible content that stands unique for the brands and with which consumers feel connected. This ppt of yours conveys the significance of content interestingly with its graphics 🙂

    Thanks for sharing !

  2. Thanks for the appreciation, Anamika…

    You are spot on in your assessment of how good content helps connect with customers and prospects… Now, if only more organisations in India thought likewise, how nice it would be… But, all that I see organisations do is put out brochureware… a few get it right, but most they don’t… Do share this with those you think might benefit from it…

    Thanks again!

  3. Noted 🙂

  4. :-)… Implement it also, okay… 

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