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Need some advise


I and my friend have developed a web-application for healthcare domain. We have spoke to various diagnostic centers and hospitals in Pune who are willing to implement it. It’s somewhat related to electronic medical records. 

We have developed POC model and require a strong technical support.  So should we go for software vendor for final development and deployment.. if yes any suggestions.. If no , why…

Similarly, how should we go about funding… Revenue generation is not an issue.. 


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  1. Hi Prathmesh, 

    I think the best model to ensure continuous and long technical support is to sign a retainer with a small or mid size Technology company which is in business for at-least 5 years.  

    Since you say Revenue generation is not an issue – If you have some funds in terms of working capital , pay them a per resource fee ( you need to pay end of month )  , set up an online project management system where people from your company can assign task to the resource.  

    If you do not have working capital and completely depend on revenue generation which can fluctuate. You can do a revenue sharing deal with the technology company for their support. 

    Share a bit more about what kind of technical support and I am sure there will be someone in the rodinhoods who can help you out. 

    Also you might want to read a post I wrote Dating Vs Getting Married –  

    All the best. 

  2. Thank you Himanshu..actually we require technical support in terms of full fledged development, deployment on cloud and maintenance related to it. We have no technical man at our side..till now my friends have helped with technical issues and one of them has developed the POC.. but he cant get into this full time.. so operations, admin and sales can be managed by us but need some good technology company… and about revenue generation there are no issues once implemented as they are big size hospitals.. 

  3. Prathmesh, you can connect with Bhavesh Goswami  –   CloudThat specializes in training and consulting on Cloud related services.

    Disclaimer : Please note that I am a co-founder at CloudThat. !!

  4. Sure, thanks

  5. Hi Prathemesh ,
    It would be great if you can develop the product inhouse , as getting it done from a vendor would compromise the source code confidentiality, if at all u want to outsource only go for a reputed vendor who dont misuse your code and IP make sure to sign a NDA with vendor any ways NDA’s dont stand much ground in india one can by pass or tweak it with loop holes be careful with your IP when working with vendors .

    As far is fund raising , if you are confident you can make a sustainable businss around a strong product then raise money from bank loans, angels or make a J.V with some development company on revenue sharng u divide the responsibliy 
    like you do the marketing and they will do maintanance upgradation support ect

    make some development company strategic partner

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