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Tool for checking daily unique visitors on the website


Please suggest a tool for checking daily unique visitors.

Thanks in advance.


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  1. You may consider

    Its pretty simple.You have to register and generate a javascript code and add in your website code.

  2. I’m not an expert in this but I suggest using

    It provides a lot of free website statistics and some paid info too.

  3. Whay trust any one when google gives you analytics? try Google the same as told below..generate code,embed on the site nd check the unique visitors!!

  4. Google Analytics is very intuitive and provides you with a whole host of tools to work with.  Some of the other counters that you can put on your site, would also allow visitors to check out who is on your page.  I’ve been quite satisfied with the reporting interface with these:

  5. Hi All,

    Thank you for your reply. I would like to check the total visitors  and unique visitors of other websites.

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