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You don’t need funding !!!

Most of the Entrepreneurs crib for not getting funding to start up their business venture. In some cases it may be true however at least in some of the cases you can always begin small and use open source platforms to shape up your prototypes and start hunting for paying customers. Any investor would want to talk to you if you already have a may be scaled down proof of concept and even few paying customers.

I found a video on the web which I felt I must share with the fellow Rodinhooders. Please check and let me know your views.


Clicking on the image below will take you to the youtube link for the video. 


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  1. Good pick Mandar..

  2. Thanks Mandar. Very Thoughtful. Motivated me to call a Web Developer 🙂

  3. Absolutely awesome. Makes so much of sense! 

  4. This is precious !  Awesome hain! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

  5. Now that was fantastic.
    I started 3 months ago, and now things are bigger than ever…..something tells me this isnt even the start.
    Thank you for posting

  6. awesome.. thats true in my case.. I started with no funding or investment . Just my belief in my work quality 🙂 and yes, its proved!

  7. EXCELLENT Mandar. I will share this tomorrow.

  8. *applauses*


  10. Simple yet insightful,great watch!

  11. amazing video..Start now, grow big!!

  12. Awesome share!.:)

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