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Match Social

Build your private match making network.

Leverage social networks to find matches for your friends or family members within your own extended network.

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Comments/ Criticism/ Suggestions/ Ideas … all welcome.


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  1. Hi Manas, 

    Seems like a great Idea…but how does it work… I mean, you have to individually create a network again or will it take your FB / any other social network data itself? 

    Cos, Unless I have all my friends on the network, I will not be able to use it better and not all my friends will join this cos, not everybody is looking for a match !! 

    Instead, if a FB application is created which will be linked with FB so no separate network needs to be created will make it work better. What do you say ?

  2. Kamal,have already suggested him about creating a facebook app .

  3. Here’s some criticism for you [with a view that you take it positively].

    • You need to do a better job of explaining your idea. I am a guy with an average IQ and reading it once I did not fully comprehend the concept
    • Not knowing how the service works and don’t have any motivation to try it out just yet, I might be looking for a match for a friend or relative, but how does the service know that the people in my network are also actively seeking out relationships?
    • If I have people in my network [Facebook], won’t I intuitively know that ABC might be a perfect match for my cousin? Why would I need a mechanical system?

    Now the last two questions come from a guy who has never used a match making site before or I should say never gone past the home screen.

    All the best buddy.
  4. Why do you think being on matrimonial site is embarrassing? and for whom? Are you stereotyping? 

    If you think that this point is still valid, then try to rewrite this point so that it does not offend people advertising on matrimonial sites and even encourages them to try this service out.

    Is the concept based on finding appropriate candidates based on my own Facebook network? 

  5. Hey Kamal,

    Thanks for your suggestions.

    Yes, we are building this as a facebook app as suggested by both You and RohinN (Thanks Rohit, for your invaluable feedback).


  6. Hey Vijay,

    My email address is Look forward to hearing from you 🙂


  7. Hey Tejas,

    I dont mean to offend anyone. I have many friends and cousins who are marriageable age and looking to find suitable partners. They are shy about posting their profile on the typical matrimonial sites. This is only a test page and we will try to do a better job with the final messaging on our site.Yes, we use your facebook network to find appropriate candidates.

    1. We will do a better job of explaining the concept. Thanks for that feedback.

    2. The service automatically scans the profiles of people within your facebook network who have displayed an intent to find matches. This way you can match your friends and relatives because the system recommends it to you.

    3. You will know if two people are perfect for each other if they are both your direct friends. But you wont know if your friend’s sister is a good match for your brother. Out system will recommend that and then you can take it forward from there.

    I am sorry if the message is still a little amorphous.


  8. Thanks for the response and good luck.

  9. Good idea.  Social matchmaking replicates near real life chacha chachi network.  Less like fb and more like Linkedin.  Do it right and you will kill the existing matrimony sites.  And that won’t be a bad thing.  🙂

  10. Thanks Abey. Thats the idea.

  11. Interesting concept.

    1) Why would someone use a service like this to find matches amongst their friends – i.e. won’t they already network with their friends?

    2) Average # of friends people have is 130 on FB (  Your goal is to make it less embarassing – what if my network has a larger percentage of acquaintances than friends?

    3) I registered but could not proceed – will be interesting to see how your matching algorithm works.  On what basis will it match me?

    4) Change your home page to let users enter the “For” – maybe there’s a category you’ve not discovered? 

  12. Thanks Mahesh,

    1. We will be able to pull up matches 3 degrees away from you.. so if im looking for a match for my sis.. and you for your younger brother.. and alok is a common friend… match social will be able to make that connection

    2. we do 2 way match.. my sister’s profile should meet your brother’s requirements.. and his profile should meet her requirements.. only then i will see his profile and you will see her profile… so we ensure privacy.. and it is not embarrassing.

    3. you could not proceed because it is a test page

    4. Good suggestion. Thanks 🙂

  13. Your matching algorithm is going to be most important.  If you’re looking for a match for your sis, it’s going to match against 130 X 130 people.  (ok 50% of that since we’re talking Male wedding female)

    How would you match?  Do I have to fill in a form ?  Then is the density for matching dependent on the number of users who sign up ?  

    Nice idea nevertheless.  I’d be interested to see how you match !

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