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Rules for Financial Advising

Hello Everyone! I’m a freelance programmer and want to know more about financial advising. In India as a doctor, pharmacist, or CA require a license or certificate to operate. But does any finan...

Do You Have a Marketing Department?

“What kind of question is this?” you may ask. Okay, let me ask it this way – “Is your marketing department doing all the marketing?” “What?” Okay, forget it, just answer these simple questions: Every ...

How to make that extra buck over and above the 9×7 Job?

Everyone likes to make money, Its taken for granted that given an opportunity to make an extra buck wisely one will not decline it. Unfortunately everyone is not blessed with a lot of options or not a...

Why should I build games and apps for Nokia – NOW?

This is the FIRST OF THE ‘ASK’ Questions on the new Category called ASK on! You will notice the new ‘ASK!’ tab on the top!   Sure, its like Quora, bu...

Can India build a “Tez Bandar” Game?

This was an interview just before the VC Circle conference on Gaming held in Mumbai a few weeks back.   I hope you enjoy my candid views….that include:   – How and why China is NOT a refer...

Thank You Rodinhoods! Please to announce InOpen raises VC funding

Dear Rodinhoods,     Please to announce that InOpen (my startup incubated at IIT Bombay) has raised its VC fund from Ventureast.    The  Official Press Release can be seen at

Can you solve this Corruption Riddle?

Sometime ago, an inspector from one of the Govt Departments came to our office.   He routinely inspected specific records of the govt dept he represented and audited the amounts we had paid to that de...

Would you like an “Angry Birds” coffee after smelling like Jack “24” Bauer?

Angry Birds – the world’s best selling Mobile Game has recently ventured into toys, t-shirts ( I bought one recently), books and lots of other ‘brand extensions”. Trade analyst...

Meet Khusbu Kariwala – the Biotechnologist who doesn’t like to be taken for granted!!

  What exactly do you do? Simple and non complicated.   Study … how complicated a human body and its DNA is and how technology can be used to resolve this complication and make a better future for all...

If anybody is buying, we’re selling !!

We are a group of three student entrepreneurs and inspired by, we started It’s an e-commerce website and we basically print collage posters and laptop skins....

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