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Discovery vs. Search – A Massive Opportunity!

I dont know how to play Poker.   So, I searched for ‘ How to Play Poker’ on Google.   As expected, the results made a lot of ‘relevant sense:     Now, assuming that I LEARNT Poker an...

Meet Priya Parab – The Health Shake Woman Entrepreneur!!

  Your Name any any other details (site address, twitter handle, mail id(?) etc.. Priya Parab , (work in progress for merging and upgrading these to an active e...

Why Anna Hazare does NOT impress me

I am a hard-nosed ‘start-up’ entrepreneur, trained to create value out of thin air. My business involves motivating people, making them believe in a ‘do or die’ cause and then ‘Pied Pipering’ them tow...

How to work with Digital Marketing Agency/Partners (Magical People they are)

(Keeping it short, if people show interest .. shall put in more details later .. Purpose of this post: Understand Digital Agencies/Partners … Be an aware client … helps both the parties) F...

What Gives me ‘Indian’ Goosebumps

So, I am FED UP of feeling bad for India. And for crying and fighting and arguing like we all GLOBAL ORPHANS. I put on a more sentimental cap on today and compiled what gives me Indian Goosebumps! Enj...


Angry birds of Digital Media View more presentations from anubshar78 A Presentation by Anubhav Sharma (

Honesty is the way to success and fame and money….what say?.

i’m not sure whether  honesty is the way to success ,fame and money….yet ,I’m inclined to believe in it….

Anna Hazare – The Merchandising begins

Just got this mail a few minutes back. What happens next? Formal branded clothes, caps etc?! Forwarded message From: aishwarjya borbora <>Date: Thu, Aug ...

And, I meet with Harvard (HBS) Professor Datar who wrote ‘Rethinking the MBA’!!

It seems to be the week of Business School posts for me.   First I wrote a post early this week titled  ‘what i learnt at Marwari Business School‘ (MBS) and then as luck turns out, I ... Raises Series A Funding from Nirvana Venture Advisors, an internet product start-up, has raised a Series A investment from Nirvana Venture Advisors. Founded by Suruchi Wagh, is a web-based recommendation engine which act...

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