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Meet Arun Thomas – of – The No 1 website to buy and sell used bikes!

  Your Name and any other details (site address, twitter handle, mail id(?) etc.. Name: Arun Thomas KB Email: Personal website:   What exactly d...

How can i know if my website is getting hacked??

Hostgator people are saying that am running mails beyond my approved capacity of 500 per hour whereas i have stopped the mailing (match alerts for members) since last 15 days??? How do i know that its...

After 65 years, can we aspire for better!?

Ok – so this is the FULL PAGE ad in the Times of India that greeted me this beautiful Independence day morning.   My question is:   After 65 years of Independence, can we do ASPIRE for more than...

What would you pay to digitize your content – books, music, CDs, important documents

Inspired by both a past life in digitization, and my constant desire to finally get my CD and book collection available on my new devices :   Stashed somewhere in your house, chances are you’ll ...

To be an entrepreneur or to be the Mafia – that is the question

Apple has got away with banning sales of Samsung tablets in Europe because of patents they own.   Microsoft earns more revenues through licensing via Android devices, than it does its’ Windows P...

I felt humiliated !

  I had a meeting yesterday, where I felt humiliated. I walked out of the meeting ! As an entrepreneur, sometimes we take it as we are raw and do not know at times if it is wise to react immediately. ...

Who else wants to become a sensible, successful investor?

Hi, If you are a stock market investor, no wonder you think the game is rigged against you… No wonder you think the financial services industry is a racket, and the stock market is a game reserved onl...

How to Become a Successful Investor? Grandma Knows Best

The way we conduct ourselves in real life has a lot to do with what we’ve learnt from our parents, and especially from our grandparents. In fact, the best memories I have of my childhood are of ...

Have you ever had a Graphene moment?!

Graphene is the strongest material know to man. The two Scientists who discovered it won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010.   Now, these science rockstars may have recently invented this amazing mate...

What could be cooler than owing an iPad2?

You know what is cooler than owning an iPad2? Giving away one. And we are doing that.   Get an iPad2 for every employee hired at Adepto through you. Admit it; you have always wanted to own one of thes...

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