Hi folks, just wanted to take a minute of yours to introduce to all budding social entrepreneurs out there, an opportunity that the Indian School of Business, Hyderabad is presenting, called the 3rd I...
In early 2008, my co-founder Mahesh and I were attending the Games Developer Conference (GDC) in San Francisco. One of the sessions was conducted by this rather short, energetic man called Mark Pincu...
What has been your experience? Which of these has been the biggest factor in your success as an investor (or a businessman)? Read more at: https://www.safalniveshak.com/
So, I bought myself a Honda Accord this week. It cost me 25 lacs (50k US$) Now, being a Indian consumer for decades and someone who buys an after mint for 25 paise (5 cents), to breakfast at Airports ...
I just spent the most amazing 40 minutes with Lalita Sachdeva – head of communications of UNICEF (India) Lalita was kind enough to walk into our office and we had a high quality di...
Sometimes, the smallest signals can be the beacon for the next BIG BUST. For me personally, an e-mail proposing that I buy a flat for 55 crores in Pot Hole ridden, crammed and jammed, scam tainted,...
So, lets assume that you are a ‘successful’ Mumbai Road Contractor: These are some of your Entrepreneur traits POSITIVES – Power of Relation...
Hi Everyone I, an ever curious soul, am a devout fan of Cricket, just like the next 1.17 Billion. While, I have been working on setting and launching BillBharo, I also keep wondering how to do a b...
Couple of weeks back I attended a conference. As the key note speaker we had an expert from one of the top notch institutions in the world, who had recently relocated from London. As the topic was clo...
Are functions in internet/ecommerce/online media companies actually different to those in traditional companies? How in your opinion do these companies define their core and strategic functions? I ...