I really like Coke. I am an addict and have a couple of Diet Cokes a day. Ever so often, I wonder about the amazing recipe of Coke and how lucky the Coca Cola Company is. One day, while ...
Your Name any any other details (site address, twitter handle, mail id(?) etc.. Rohit Nair rohit.nair@quizworks.in www.facebook.com/nairr www.quizworks.in What exactly do you do? Although my card ...
Just received this from Google… Thought of sharing with all! Google Analytics Benchmarking Newsletter 2011, Volume 1, July 2011 1. Introduction Welcome to the first volume of the Analytics Bench...
In 1775, James Watt patented the STEAM ENGINE design If you were an investor in 1775, you probably would not have realized the IMPACT and the POWER of the IDEA of the Steam Engine. Just calculat...
So, BIGADDA.COM finally became BIG ANDA (big egg)!! Just read this flash: And this was the MARKETING OF BIGADDA.COM (massive promotions with ROCK ON) just some time back: Clearly, its History ...
We are to conduct a meet where some startups will come and present their product/services for feedback … then the the audience will give the feedback in writing to the startups … just some...
Hello Rodinhoods, I had launched a movie rating site (www.wianga.com ) specially for indians. It launched couple of months before. We are mainly concentrating on regional movies for now. The rating...
After 1 year, 3 months and 22 days of consistent nailbiting, we are thankful that our nails keep growing, ensuring the same for our business too. We are nailbites, an agency that jumped into the adver...
What is the toughest thing to do? Achieve targets? No Win against a nagging boss? No Convince a client? No IT IS TO FIND A BLACKBERRY SUPPORT EMAIL ADDRESS OR TELEPHONE NUMBER I had a blackberry c...
Your Name any any other details (site address, twitter handle, mail id) etc.. Name :Nitesh Kataria, Mentor & CEO – Sanskriti Objects d’art, Pune E-mail : niteshk3@yahoo.com Website: www.sanskrii...