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Will CROSSWORD be the first victim of E-Commerce in India?

I (used to ) LOVE CROSSWORDS.   Its the Book Strore that defined book selling in India.   I still remember the opening of the first store at Mahalaxmi and the legend that became CW.   My dad attended ...

Jurisdiction of incorporation : advice needed

Hello Rodinhooders !   First of all, I’d like to thank the community for the valuable advice on my earlier post. It gave me the confidence to go ahead with the deal – we have closed it now...

Advice on differentiating product

I am a lady entrepreneur from Sri Lanka. One of my friend convinced me to join the rodinhoods. Planning to start a mineral water plant.And my target customers are 1. Tourists who come to SL and whom I...

Musings of a 3 time (not so successful) entrepreneur – part 1

I come from a family with a ‘professional’ background – my father is a retired senior lecturer in mathematics, while my brother is a specialist in internal medicine. My parents alway...

Can A Billion Dollar Product Company come out of India?

Do you believe in the Billion dollar product dream that will come from India?   I definitely do!   Check out 4 such companies in this TV Interview I did (in a Star Wars T-Shirt) with Suvir Sujan of Ne...

what do you use for online payment processing?

Hi, we are building a web app where users will subscribe with a $15 payment by credit card. The users will be predominantly in USA and Europe and our company is Indian. I also need to know the city/co...

The 6 Dangerous Bombs in Share Holders Agreements & how entrepreneurs can diffuse them.

  Bakra &Bakri (B&B) – two successful entrepreneurs had just started an e-commerce business to sell their sheep wool online and were a happy lot. They had negotiated their term sheet with...

when is the right time to quit any business??

Seriously, how do you know that this is when i hang up my boots and try something else?? how do you define the expiry of your efforts???

Therodinhooders Bangalore Mixer!!!

Dear Rodinhooders,   I am in Bangalore next Thursday – the 23rd.   There is an event I am attending at the Hotel Lalit (Bangalore) that day.   I was hoping to do a small get together in Bangalor...

My Dream CFO…

When Indira Nooyi became CEO of Pepsi Inc a few years ago, I silently grinned and said ‘YES’!!   For long I had this hypothesis that CFO’s were naturally suited to becoming CEO’...

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