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Not so simple truth of black money and bribe

Alok – this post is dedicated to you, to help put this black money discussion in perspective. Truth is not so so simple my friend.   Black money comes in various forms and each of them are compl...

The 3 simple truth’s about Black Money

  There is so much discussion about BLACK Money, that I thought of contributing my 3 ‘cents’ to this favorite topic of mine.   What is BLACK MONEY?   Income or Cash that is ‘not supo...

The 10 Billion $$$ Idea –

I cant believe what a moron I have been all my entrepreneurial life.   Chasing Internet businesses – Contesting, Media, Mobile, Gaming and god knows what not…all in the hope of creating a ...

Neelesh Pednekar – The Video Movie Magician!

  Your Name any any other details (site address, twitter handle, mail id(?) etc..  Neelesh R Pednekar Business and Product

Group buying for travel sector

What should be the strategy for group buying portal focussed on travel sector( Airlines).  

NGO = Noble ‘Gochi’ Offering?

  I have always ‘suspected’ the business model and economics of NGO’s.   For years, I have received offers to ‘launder’ money via an NGO. The modus operandi is that you p...

What will be written on the Nokia Tombstone?

Nokia announced yesterday  that it was “no longer appropriate to provide annual targets for 2011.”   For a listed, market leader to say this means ‘I’ve given up’.   I don’t wa...

Browser, Browser on my wall – who is the fastest of them all? Chrome Vs. Firefox Vs. IE!

    A content analyst conducted a very interesting experiment in our office:   She compared the ‘loading’ rate of some of our random games across browsers using the same connection, pc and...

A fan’s Rodinhood art !

    Rodinhooder PrashanthGowriraju has created these SUPERB rodinhood logos !!     If “Robinhood” could see these, even HE would have joined us to become a “Rodinhood”!  

Do you worry about your Socks?

12 years ago I used to work in my father’s socks factory. After a few years of struggle, I landed my first export order of ‘baby’ socks from a huge European Retail Chain. Excited, I went to their offi...

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