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Do something which scares you…..

Why is that we feel sadder when we loose $100 as compared to the joy in making the same $100. When analyzed dispassionately it does seem rather strange that we should have differening intensity of emo...

Super Zoo Zoo or a Super Customer ? Why should Vodafone think

I am writing this discussion as an open letter to our Super Zoo Zoo. Dear Super Zoo-Zoo The intent of this blog is to make your Vodafone Senior Management aware of my experience, even though how trivi...

Embedding URLs in youtube videos.

The tech guys at Rodinhoods, please answer my query..   Is there a way to embed an html link in the Youtube video, something to direct the audience to a different website..??   Thanks in advance for h...

Lights, Camera and Web!

Every time I got a call from a friend asking me where and what do we plan for dinner, I logged myself on to or and checked for restaurant reviews and listings to help me fi...

So, what is your business?

Simple question, isn’t it?  You see, nothing may seem simpler or more obvious to a business owner or a marketer than to know what his company’s business is.  A bank lends money. An insurance company u...

The 3 deadly weapons (in term sheets) that Kill Entrepreneurs..

  Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, two dynamic entrepreneurs – Bakra and Bakri got together and started up an amazing e-commerce business to sell sheep wool online!   Withi...

Meet Aalok Pandey – Inventor of the World’s first Self Cleaning Toilet!

  Aalok Pandey www.apdinnovations.intwitter : @alokvpaalok@apdinnovations.in     What exactly do you do? I Ideate & Innovate on an established pain area in bu...

Weekend Special – Spot the ‘ADAG’ Joke

This is a special treat for rodinhooders!   I am producing 2 images below.   The first is from the ADAG website and the second is a press release that the Times of India Carried.   Please ‘view&...

Why I Want To Be An Entrepreneur ?

This is the one question that I am answering for myself and believe me life of an entrepreneur isn’t as glamorous as it seems to be. I believe that if you wish to follow the entrepreneurial path find ...

Division of online advertising revenue : Help !

Sorry ! Ninja lawyers demanded redaction of the original post. A summary of what was discussed follows :   Nayana Somaratna: I am negotiating an exclusive deal with an ad-agency to monetize my mobile ...

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