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Umang Sonthalia – If I get time, then I study…

  Student entrepreneur and rodinhooder Umang Sonthalia shares his awesome philosophy about work!!    What exactly do you do? -Do anything“websites” for money. -Design websites and sell or ...

Offering equity in in return for marketing assistance.

Hello Rodinhoods,   3 months ago I announced the launch of here on Rodinhoods and it got a very positive response from you guys, right here in this thread.    Let me tell you again what Res...

McKinsey – Can I consult you?

A week ago, I came across an FB wall post that linked to an interview of Eric Schmidt of Google who was speaking on ‘business culture, technology and social issues’.   I was excited by the...

How ‘yesterday’ can make you money…

This post is a prequel to Himanshu Mody’s post on Times Treaty hosted yesterday . After all,  if George Lucas can make Star Wars backwards, why cant a Rodinhood post a blog backwards?!!   Essent...

What are some of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when starting out?

I am an entrepreneur. I make mistakes. I learn from my mistakes.  What are the common mistakes that we all make ? Can we mull over it and learn from each other ?    Sugandha  

Anyone into creating Customer Loyalty programs ?

Hi,    I need service of an expert in Customer loyalty program + referral for Tekno Point.    Most of our student’s come via references and also they return to learn from us every 2 to 3 years. ...

Technology Transfer – Looking for a buyer/licensee.

Hi,  I run a company called APD Innovation Ventures Pvt. Ltd. and over the past 2 years we have ‘invented’ a self-cleaning toilet. Yeah, that true, we are engineers, and what we have essen...

Times Private Treaty – Pro’s and Con’s ?

Hi,  I got to know about times private treaty via someone.    Times group takes equity in your company for a stake and in return they give you access to their media properties for x amount.    Before ...

Why Mother’s Day is so precious to me…..

  I started an advergaming company called in 1998, and Hindustan Lever became my first client.  I got a lucky break with Annapurna – the Salt and Flour brand of HLL. My Godfathe...

What do you do when facebook deletes a group without any intimation?

I admin a community of “4000” odd students working on “A Powerful Vocabulary” concept on facebook groups. Amazing interactions/discussions happening all over. One fine day you ...

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