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Please help

Inorder to reintegrate 25 rescued children & to rescue 4-6 from Bus stand?Train Stations in Bengaluru India and to spread awareness among vulnerable communities, we need 200 British Pounds every m...

Enhance your company’s facebook presence

We recently updated my company’s facebook page with a form , 100+ student testimonials , with charts etc and a spotlight section that is the default page when someone visits the page for the fir...

Mithu Basu speaks her mind – ‘Plunging from a great job gave me the shivers’ !

Your Name any any other details (site address, twitter handle, mail id(?) etc.. Mithu Basu,,, What exactly do ...

Will you go to work in your Pyjamas?

  So, what’s the BIG FUSS about being ‘appropriately dressed’ for work?  Did Moses tell us to wear ‘formal’ clothes when working? I don’t know why clothes have beco...

Have you ever failed?

Have you ever failed in your life? Failed in relationship? Failed in partnership? Failed in friendship? Failed in business? Failed in sport? Failed in life? If yes, do you call these failures?   What ...

What keeps you going?

“Think not of the consequence. Consequences shall be thinking of you. How you did it, why and wherefore the end. It is we that must know where the finish is. The ‘other’ is oblivious of the end ...

Why Twitter will be more valuable than Facebook..

      The more I think about the holistic value of Twitter and the impact will have on the media business in the world, the more I am convinced that Twitter will be more valuable than Facebook in the ...

Screens can make mobile phones cheaper

Found an interesting article on techcrunch on how Amazon has dropped the price of Kindle by $25 by placing ads on homescreen and screensavers, each time the kindle connects to the internet. https://ni...

When Chicken Farmers become Stock Pickers (Why 99% people fail at the Stock Market)…

Ever since I can remember, I have been surrounded by people who ‘are in stocks’. These are uncles, colleagues, friends, parents, enemies and strangers who do ‘something’ in the...

Answer in One Word: Why Did the Apparel Retail Industry Not Go Into Recession?

*This blog post has been taken with permission from the blog “Girl Talks Marketing“: by Aditi.   Answer in One Word: Why Did the Apparel Retail Industry Not Go Into Recession? Well, this p...

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