Check out this mail that I got from non other that Reid Hoffman – the founder of just around time they hit their 100th millionth member. I am sure lots of the readers of this po...
Imagine that you are gifted a juicy monopoly business of running the telephone lines of India’s major cities – Mumbai and Delhi. Also, with it is the guarantee that there is no one in the...
Taken from : Lean Startups are a hit talk these days. You aren’t an early stage techology entrepreneur, if you aren’t talking about lean startups and MVP. And ...
VIJAY BHATT What exactly do you do? Simple and non complicated. I am in the process of creating World’s largest Uttarakhandi matrimonial company. Why do you ...
OOPS – THERE IS NO WAY YOU CAN DO THIS IN GUJARAT! I am still very puzzled, why I cant I get a drink in Gujarat? Oops, let me rephrase – why cant I ‘OFFICIALLY’ get a drink...
“If Thomas is corrupt, (I don’t want to defend him, let justice system decide) is there something wrong with what defines corruption in India. I can be wrong ….what do you think?” My friend Anto...
I wanna lose weight. Shall I be going to an Eye Doctor? When was the last time you went to your eye doctor to lose some weight? Well, you probably didn’t. And even if you did, your eye doctor probabl...
We have introduced a series of inspirational videos for entrepreneurs called “Entrepreneur of Decade” featuring the legendary entrepreneurs from various decades starting 1900. Below is the...
First, an important announcement. I have decided to change my name to Alok ‘Apple’ Kejriwal. Oops, I forgot about Rodinhood – so how about Alok ‘Apple-Rodindinhood’ ...
Jayesh Gopalan of 3 Cube Technologies shoots from the Hip! Jayesh Gopalan Business Name: 3 Cube TechnologiesBusiness URL: https://www.3cubetechnologies.inEmail id: 7 straight q...