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Search + Facebook = Can be the real Google Killer!!

When does a big wide ‘Search for what you are looking for’ appear on Facebook? So, let’s take this real case: I attended GDC 2011 (San Fran) and was obviously not able to attend all ...

Ankit Oberoi – ‘Feel the Success’ interviews are gaining steam!   Ankit Oberoi has an interesting story to tell:     Ankit Oberoi, Co-founder, Innobuzz   1. What exactly do you do? Simple and non co...

Ruchika Roy helps herself and us!

Ruchika was the first to come forward and help herself to ‘The Self Help Interview’ concept just launched today on the site.    Bravo!!!   Enjoy here interview!!   RUCHIKA ROY   1. What ex...

Try my SEO SUSHI please…

    Let me present a case here so that we can all present a clear case of what we believe in (Seo believers Vs Seo Non believers) :    PS – (I used it in the argument that is ensuing on SEO is b...

What can Unilever teach a social games company ?

Two things happened in the past 48 hrs that got me re-thinking games that consumers would spend money on : 1) 2 months into our social game, in walked my colleague, an online advertising expert with o...

The Self Help Interview – Start Point

Why should someone approach you to interview you? Since you are busy, and doing so much, its time you helped yourself! If you would like your interview to be featured (based on quality and context) on...

Which Ad Publishing agency is best in India

 I have been associated with both and past couple of months. I have few queries  regarding advertising on one of my startups(,

A Stormtrooper pays me a visit…

What did I do Stormtrooper?   I guess you can always tell when someone comes very close to you, even though you are asleep or  your eyes are closed.  In my hotel room in San Francisco, on a chilly, ea...


Ever since we launched we began to grow thanks to: a) Distribution deals with partners like and b) more importantly – the STEALING and PIRACY of our ga...

Making your passion your profession- 9% growth makes it possible !

Some recent ads that I have been seeing on TV which talk about being “caught in the wrong job” have set me thinking about what a colossal waste of the nation’s time and energy has been happening over ...

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