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Do u like any of these looks of

  Some new options have become available to make look different.   Tell me which one you like: (Click on the image to expand – on this page the images look blurry)   1...

Need inputs for our product : Credit Card Comparator App

My company has made a Rich Internet Application for people to compare credit cards.   The idea is that with telemarketing restrictions becoming more and more...

Sheep, Sex, Farms, and 10 billion valuations

In one of the most profound keynotes I have ever heard, Brian Reynolds – the Chief Game Designer of Zynga Games (Company that produces Farmville, Cityville etc) revealed many insights into why Z...

what exactly to follow in the organisation,rules and regulations or just focus on profitability?

hi folks, sometimes this question strikes my mind,what shall we do in our company to follow the set of rules and regulations(attendance,timings etc.) or just focus on ultimate of profitabillity and ma...

Rise of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes, and Dustin Moskovitz, founders of the Facebook.comphenomenon, saw an existing product in need of improvement and expansion. A facebook is a book that is made up of photo...

Why are majority of large corporations born in the USA?

Why cant we see Apples and Facebooks emerge from home soil?

Never say no to TEA

In my first few sales pitch I found myself in a hurry to say my pitch to the client. This was more so because I always felt that talking anything beyond hard selling my product would be wasting client...

Can we make a ‘Hangover’ in India?

25 years ago, I read in the Economist that ‘the only industry the USA will be successful in, going forward will be the Entertainment Industry’.   Some time back, when I saw the movie ̵...

Why does Internet access pricing suck?

I just saw the Airtel 3G pricing.  It looks like their assumption of data consumption is still stuck on a 128Kbps rated 70Kbps actual era.  There is also the “safety shield” cap of Rs. 200...

IPO = Initial Public Offer OR Insane Pressure Overdose?

Almost once a day, I meet someone who asks me ‘When are you going public’ ? Relatives ask me, folks at the racecourse quiz me and even when I am in a loo in a 5 star hotel, my neighbor chu...

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