Hello All, I am new to this site. I am really confused about my life. I do not know where I am leading to…I am…:(
India is uniquely placed today, by an accident of history, with a predominantly young population. This coupled with a reasonably good education system and proficiency in English provides enormous oppo...
When was your venture really profitable – When did the financial problems end for your venture? How about going through a bit of Entrepreneurship & money journey. Thanks.
I relentlessly put out content on entrepreneurship and starting up via my blogs and social updates and sometimes I feel like I’m just a lone wolf barking away…. Simple surprise mails lik...
Hi All, I’m currently working on an idea around the fantasy sports trading concept. Instead of companies, think of player and team stocks trading on the floor..We plan to carry out the closed be...
Our journey at Hulu involves significant risk. That is the nature of innovation, particularly the business of re-inventing television. A number of you might be thinking that we’d have to be crazy to t...
The more experience I gain running businesses, the more fascinated and puzzled I become with the mystery called PRICE. What is Price? How is it determined? Solve the mystery if you can, with the f...
Hi everyone, I always used to think when I would go to my second year of post graduate course and then I will face the much awaited interview for recruitment. People say that the time one enters ...
how much i want to take my shoes off and say…ok fine…thats enough…lets me sit back and enjoy the rest of my life in peace and happiness….but can this ever be possible ? i do th...
I recently read the hubspot report fr digital Ad spends for 2011 – 2012. And i was surprised to see that the 13 % Ad spends were dedicated to something called Other, and this other was part of e...