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Sir, just buy my Car…you can conveniently die later…

While casually conversing with my wife, she mentioned to me that my Dad had booked the ‘slightly cheaper’ Volkswagen Vento. I immediately asked her what ‘slightly cheaper meant’...

Replacing the Placement Cell. As per this study there are 45000+ colleges. Let me put an averagage of 500 kids per institution its 2,25,00,000.From what i am aware of /experiences, th...

IPO Requirements

What are the requirements a company has to meet if wants to explore the possibility of public funding ? How old it should be ? Any dividend/profit history required ? Any minimum revenue required ?

Fire in the belly

Over the weekend I was at IIT Kanpur. I was there to talk to students who had come from the best engineering schools across India to participate in the Asian leg of the annual Intercollegiate Programm...

Indian Online Retail.

I have written an blog on indian retail..Will be grateful to have your comments..

Too cold … frozen fingers … everything frozen ..emails / mails / discussion boards / chat room, et el.

Seems this winter has started freezing everyone .. either most of you all are aay on the year end holiday or are just freezing to use your nimble fingers ………. let’s thaw !!

Why are techies so shallow, shut out when it comes to being a part of a startup over there regular jobs !

i blame the value system , and lack of self belief to pursue something bigger in life ! 

Segmentation of Society

While conversing with a friend over the weekend, a certain topic concerning the segmentation of society came up. He said “The society needs to be segmented into The Poor, The Middle Class and Th...

BrainJob #1 – What do I do?

I think we should have a regular ‘Dilemma’ question on the site for our learned users to help themselves to a ‘brainjob’   So, here goes:   Case: You are the CEO of a Financial...

Why I love my Mom’s Cooking?

I claim to be a good cook. I indulge in this passion occasionally. But when I do, I will also invite few friends so that I can show-off my culinary skills. I select some exquisite dishes from the coll...

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