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Is India ready for an online education website (especially kids between 6-12 years of age)?

There haev been few websites existing in India which cater from grade VI to X, but is India ready for an educational website focusing on grade 1 to grade V?

Seven Myths of Starting Up – Busted Here!

  Myth 1 – I have a great idea but I can’t share it coz someone will steal it. Oh man, if that were the case, then dreams would be the most expensive commodity on the planet. Salvador Dali- the ...

Talk about Creative SEO!

This is all over the web, so most of you might have read it. But if you have not I suggest read it. Quite an interesting take on doing search engine optimization SEO 🙂

Global Youth Insights!

  What you always knew but had never read: – 70% of Kids in India LOVE SCHOOL BUT 69% of Kids in Ireland HATE SCHOOL Check out games2win global youth Survey! Global Youth Insights by Games2win V...

If it is to be, It is up to me !!!

100% take birth as original but in vain 99% die as copies. The world is full of copies and second handers who are always a hurdle to stop you from moving ahead. Irony : People are so happy to see and ...

Quadrants of Success

I recently read a new book by R Gopalakrishnan. It is titled “When the Penny Drops: Learning, What’s Not Taught”. It is a very interesting book in which he shares many of his experiences and his insig...

How Long Does it Take?

I am getting increasingly intrigued by the Question of How Long does it take to create a meaningful business. First and foremost, what does a ‘meaningful business’ mean? Obviously differen...

Foriegn Legal entity for ecommerce business (with indian promoters)?

If you have a globally distributed development team (while founder sitting in India) and the business is about selling soft goods over internet across the globe. Does it makes sense to incorporate Del...

What is Party Map? yet another event listing website? a facebook clone? NO!

Party Map – is India’s leading DJ booking agency. Infact it is the World’s leading Bollywood DJ booking portal. On you can choose from a wide variety ...


Hi I am an exporter of auto parts since more than a decade.Off recent on my visit to USA and other countries i was surprised to see most of the products from China. That inspired me…and i went o...

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