During the winter months, Sensei and the Monks retreated from the Monastery and stayed at the Puffy Cloud Lodge located on the eastern plains, below the mountains that faced the Sun. Outside the Lodge...
Three black crows, Are in my head, Playing a symphony. The conductor is called anger, The violinist’s name is regret, The flautist goes as vanity. They have their own music, Distor...
Late yesterday evening, two burly men from the tax department arrived at the Monastery. They were in plain clothes and seemed in complete awe of the Monastery’s building areas. On reaching the main ha...
Floating as a rose petal We are so delicate Do we own our color? Is gravity a friend? Does the bowl of consciousness Even know, We exist? What makes us float, Who watches us? What keeps us, Momentaril...
Train wrecks of karma, Have piled up in front. The mangled, damaged debris, Of past & present deeds. There are no survivors, There is no hope, There is not a chance, To salvage the breath, From th...
The bearded man, Had planets in his eyes, When he looked at me, And said, “all will be fine”. The bearded man, Tried so hard to be, Just a bearded man… The bearded man,...
water & clouds, are my gods. colorless, egoless, in unseen meditation, floating, like migrant gypsies, traveling, without destination, unstoppable, unattached, bankrupted in vanity, arrested only,...
Water in meditation Is a waterfall. A flowing expansion, Suspended in motion, A musical friction, Soothing, healing, uplifting Its invisible audience. Where it starts And where it ends, Is unkn...
The Himalayas They know you, Having met you before, In this life or the past; There is no witness. They stand: Wishless, dreamless, deathless. A monumental reminder, Of who we need to be. – rani...
This morning, after jumping meditation, Sensei requested the Monks to quietly stand in a line with a little distance between themselves. Next, Sensei requested Silence Monk (who does not speak) to sof...