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The Question

This morning, Sensei asked the monks whom they thought cared about them the most. Greedy Monk said, “The Cook.” Sensei laughed. Humble Monk said, “Sensei.” Sensei smiled. Angry...

The Funerals

This morning, after death meditation Sensei told the monks, “Imagine that each of you has died. And Buddha has made you the priest that speaks at your cremation. What will you say as your own ob...

How things happen. How Babaji works…

On June 23rd of this year, I posted this on facebook, for helping me find hoardings in Mumbai : This was the link that detailed the request:

The Lamps

Yesterday evening, Sensei handed earthen lamps filled with oil to each of the monks. The lamps had cotton wicks in them. Sensei said, “Monks, meditate on the light of your lamp and pray for enli...

The Gifts

A few days ago, after morning meditation, Sensei asked five of the senior monks to step up in front of him. Sensei said, “Monks, you have been diligent in your practice. I have gifts for you....

Mirror, Mirror…

A monk in the Monastery asked a mirror, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the holiest of them all?” The mirror did not reply. The monk complained to Sensei. Sensei laughed, clapped twice...

The Path

Yesterday afternoon, Sensei traveled with the monks to the “Cave of a Thousand Paths.” This was a unique Cave, carved out in a tall mountain, surrounded by dense forests. When Sensei and t...

Happy Birthday Happy Monk!

It was Happy Monk’s birthday today. After morning meditation, Sensei led all the monks into the woods that surrounded the Monastery. A few minutes after walking, Sensei stopped and asked the mon...

The Plays

Last week, Sensei divided the monks into small groups and asked them to present mini plays, based on the mythological story of Sita’s abduction by Ravan. The monks were excited and prepared them...

The Jewel Box & Blue Jade Necklace

After morning meditation, Sensei clapped twice and asked the monks: I have hidden a Blue Jade Necklace inside a Jewel Box somewhere in the forest. Who will find it for me? The monks looked at each oth...

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