Ashish Parik posted an update 11 years, 8 months ago
@aparna Hi Aprana,
I don’t know any technical things. So I will not able to help you. I have just visited your site. It is very good. The sticker quality seems to be very good.
Do you take order for customized stickers ?
Mine is also a startup. The website will be launched, finally, in coming week. Regards, Ashish Parik, ICS Group (…[Read more] -
Ashish Parik posted an update 11 years, 10 months ago
@ashishparik Being entrepreneur one line always comes in mind is “To be or not to be” Lines which overcome this “The woods are lovely, Dark and Deep.I have to go miles, before I sleep, I have to go miles before I sleep, I have a promise to keep !”