
14 Good Habits You Should Have to Become a Successful Blogger

The habits can improve or destroy your life. You should have good habits to become a successful person & live the life confidently.

It doesn’t matter whether you are an entrepreneur, employee or blogger, you must pursue good habits.

If you are a blogger or wanted to become one, you must-have these fourteen habits to become a successful blogger.

If you could practice these habits in your blogging career, you’ll drive traffic and money to your blog.

Generally, This is the blogging success equation: Traffic + Money = Success.

14 Habits of a Successful Blogger:

1. Stay Focused:

Bloggers should always be focused and away from the distractions.

While writing the blog post, there are very high chances that you might deviate to Facebook, Twitter, Youtube or mobile.

So, You should stay away from these distractions because it only wastes your time and kills the productivity.

You can use the RescueTime app to calculate your productivity. This app will track your activities and gives you a detailed report on how much time you’ve wasted & utilized.

If you are wasting time, a premium version of RescueTime warns you by sending a push notification.

You should also block websites that create a distraction while working. Keep your mobile away while writing or doing blogging related work.

It would be great if you block the unwanted notifications on your smartphone.

If you want to be successful blogger staying focused is very important. It saves your time, and you can add more blog posts frequently so that you’ll get high blog traffic.

2. Stay Consistent:

As a blogger, you should be consistent with your blog writing style, voice, and schedule. It will help you to build a brand.

Best bloggers keep consistency with blog post scheduling. Most of the bloggers do.

They create their all posts with same voice and blogging style.

3. Storyteller:

Storytelling is a powerful way to engage your readers.

The good bloggers are storytellers. They know how to write a story that will entice readers and improves brand value.

Stories are captivating for a reason, and storytelling creates a social connection with your readers.

So, While writing the blog posts, create a story that will make users read your entire article. This way, Your blog’s bounce rate will be low and increase in time on site.

Low bounce rate and High time on site are crucial user signals to get higher rankings in the search engines.

4. Reader:

Reading is a good habit to become a successful blogger.

You should read informative articles, books, magazines, etc. The good bloggers read a lot of books because it improves knowledge and confidence.

I’ve also learned to blog by reading articles written by top bloggers in my niche.

Apart from reading books & articles, you should think as a reader. You should realize what a user would think after reading your blog post.

It would be great if you research the target audience and their problems before writing an article. It will help you to craft a better article.

5. Learners Mindset:

If you want to be ahead in blogging, you have to keep learning it.

The tactics and strategies you are using currently may become obsolete in the future. Those obsolete strategies could be replaced by new & powerful tactics.

So, Constant learning is important in blogging.

In 2011, Google released Panda update. This algorithm has changed the face of Google search.

It has destroyed blogs/websites which are publishing thin and duplicate content and doing keyword stuffing.

In 2012, Google released Penguin update that destroyed sites with spammy & irrelevant backlinks and links with overoptimized anchor text.

So, In short, You have to keep yourself updated and continuously learning.

6. Plan Ahead:

The good bloggers have a great plan.

They have a content calendar which contains scheduled dates of future articles or at least to do list with dates.

It is important to plan blogging activities so that it wouldn’t create chaos later on.

Only planning is not enough; you should always stick to the plan and execute it.

7. Passionate:

You should be passionate about the topic which you’ve chosen for your blog.

The successful bloggers are passionate about blogging & they love what they are doing, and that’s why they never worry about trivial things.

If you have a passion for blogging, you’ll focus on quality content and solving problems of your readers, rather than be worrying about making money and traffic.

Traffic and money are by-products.

So, Choose the blogging topic in which you have a passion and write high quality (at least 2000 words) articles.

8. Network with Others:

Networking with other like-minded bloggers would help you gain more knowledge & strategies to improve your blog.

You should join Facebook groups & hang out with the members.

The better way of networking is participating in the blogging conferences like Affiliate World Asia, Indian Affiliate Summit, etc.

You should also create your own Facebook group & ask your blog visitors to join it. That way you’ll be connected with your blog audience.

You can build the relationship with those Facebook group users so that in the future they will be more than happy to buy your products.

The easy ways to build the relationship with the fellow bloggers in your niche is commenting on their articles, following them on social media, guest posting on their blog, joining their Facebook group, linking to their articles, etc.

If you link any blogger’s article, send them an email that you’ve been featured him/her in your article. They are more likely to tweet that article or give a link back in the future.

9. Transparent:

The good bloggers are transparent.

If you are writing a review of a product, Write both good & bad, Not just good. Be transparent.

You should never promote the products for the sake of making money. The products you are going to promote should be helpful & useful to your audience.

Always show the disclaimer near your affiliate link. Let your audience know that you might get paid if they buy a product through your link.

Actually, It is mandatory to show such a disclaimer according to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) law.

10. Helpful:

If you are not a helpful person, you will not be a blogger.

The bloggers should solve the problems of the users. They should find a solution by coming out of the box & help their audience by writing blog posts, creating a video, etc.

If you’ve Facebook group, you might have noticed that a lot of members ask questions. You should always answer all the question asked by community members.

11. Easily Available:

When your blog grows, the people start knowing you as an expert in your niche.

You should give easy access to them by placing contact form & social media account links. Also, You should always reply to their emails & messages.

You can also create a Facebook group so that you could address each query of your audience.

Always remember, Your success depends on your audience.

12. Engaging:

The successful bloggers engage with the audience.

And the best way of engaging with your blog visitors is replying to their comments.

I’ve seen a lot of blogs where bloggers do not reply to the comments of the visitors. If you are not replying, you’ll lose trust.

Another way of engaging is starting a live video on Facebook or Instagram every one or two weeks.

Just send an email or message on social media platforms before 2-3 days about live video. Include the information such as the topic of live video, time, etc.

You should answer all questions asked by live video participants.

13. Creative:

When you blog for a long time, you’ll face difficulties with coming up blog post ideas. But If you are creative enough, you can easily get new ideas for your blog posts.

You can also use your creativity to improve existing articles by adding creative elements such as a good graphic design, data backed charts, animation, etc.

14. Analytics Junkie:

The successful bloggers have analytical skill.

They analyze everything about their website such as:

They keep track of everything.

You should also have analytical skills & basic understanding of Google Analytics.

If your website pages have low conversions on the mobile device, check out the mobile website & find the culprit. If your website has slow speed, optimize it.

The best of increasing site speed dramatically is buying a good web host who provides great server speed.

Some advanced bloggers also track which elements have been clicked & how many times, how the pages were scrolled, etc.

If you are running your blog as Business, then it is very crucial to analyze audience behavior on your website & adjust it accordingly.

Over to you:

The good blogging habits will change your blogging career.

It’ll help you to skyrocket your blogging business if you continue developing habits mentioned above. It’ll give you a new direction on how to do effective blogging & be a successful blogger.

What do you think the must-have blogging habit is? Do you know any other good blogging habits? Let me know in the comments.

This article was originally posted on StriveMoney.