Ever since I owned my first email account –
I have won the COCA COLA LOTTERY PROMOTION for more than 37 times. MICROSOFT have been sharing their fortunes with me in millions every year.
In total, my 3,762 wishes were full filled by forwarding that JAI MATA DI email to 9 people every time it appeared in my inbox.
…. and I have enough free vacation passes to DisneyLand for the entire मोहल्ला (neighbourhood).
But nothing from all those emails (SPAMs) was ever delivered and the guy in the picture is not ME 🙁
Image source [https://www.shoutability.com/google-adsense-alternatives-2012]
But, today morning I received a new email, this one is from Facebook and is quite interesting. It claims that Facebook unlawfully used my name/pictures/likes in sponsored stories without obtaining my consent. Therefore will pay me 🙂
Here is what it looked like –
It says – Facebook will pay $20 Million into a fund and which will be used to pay claims to its members upto $10 each. To be eligible for the claims I need to submit a claim form here.
Mashable says its not a hoax but appeared to me.
Did you receive such email too ?
[IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not share this to at least 93716 people in the next 10 seconds nothing will happen]
Darshan Bhambiru
Looks like some post / pic / page you Liked or commented on, some app that you might have used sent an auto post on your timeline etc was either Promoted for 0.50 Cents or was part of a sponsored story 🙂
Hope you make something in this mail though!!!
The facebookmail.com domain looks authentic ?
@fb.com +1.6505434800 Fax: +1.6505434800
Domain Administrator
Facebook, Inc.
1601 Willow Road
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Domain Name: facebookmail.com
Registrar Name: Markmonitor.com
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MarkMonitor is the Global Leader in Online Brand Protection.
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Persons who submit a Claim Form may be included as a member of the Class described on this website and may be entitled to a payment of up to $10. If a Claimant also submits a request for exclusion from the Class and Settlement, the request for exclusion will be ignored.
Damn those Spam emails announcing Millions and billions all going to waste in the Trash can daily multiple times 🙁
Govind G Prajapati
Facebookmail is authentic, and i have recieved lots of mails from facebook regarding updates and notifications.
Puneet Sharma
This guy found a product listed on amazon, funny. A 55- Gallon drum of Lubricant on sale at 46% discount. Just for fun he shared it on facebook.
And facebook made him famous as personal-lubricant pitchman. Read about him here
asha chaudhry
do let us know when you get your $10!!!
Puneet Sharma
Ha Ha Ha !!!
I won’t be getting it. It comes with (*) conditions applied.
1- If the number of claims made renders it economically infeasible to pay money to persons who make a timely and valid claim, payment will be made to the not-for-profit organizations.
2- I am not going to the US for 10 dollars.
But Asha, I will definitely forward you the JAI MATA DI email next time, so that your wishes also come true 😉
Vinay Chhoda
If you forward it to Asha, won’t your wishes come true instead of hers?
For her wishes to come true, she will need to forward it back to you! 😉