I had an item in my to-do list since last 9 months on creating a presentation on “How to make a presentation” as freshers in our company needed to learn this crucial skill. However, I was too lazy to make one.
But then, Alok made a presentation on the same topic and I felt a bit ashamed at my laziness.
I have finally created a presentation on how to make a presentation. The audience at our company found it useful and hence, I thought of sharing this with everyone.
I’d request fellow rodinhooders to add if I have missed on any important tips in comments.
My guarantee –
Smit Ganatra
Neerav Parekh
Thanks Smit!
Saraswathi Pulluru
Good PPT Neerav 🙂 It’s so funny to see people skipping basic etiquette while preparing PPTs – Inconsistent fonts, bold colors, spelling errors and too much text are my favorite pet peeves.
Neerav Parekh
Yes Saraswathi, the irritation caused by such silly issues was a major motivating factor behind this ppt 🙂