
All I want to do is create a stunning product: Vikrant Ramteke


Your Name any any other details (site address, twitter handle, mail id(?) etc..

-Vikrant Ramteke
@vickyteke (twitter)

IIT Mumbai: B.Tech, Electrical Engineering 2000.

What exactly do you do?

– I like to ideate and give shape to the ideas. Until now I have created which is a fun comic drawing platform for creatively challenged people but who would still like to explore their creative sides.

Now I am moving on to the next idea which I call “Finderous” ( Finderous is the new “Locial” Network. Locial network is a location based question/answer interactions between people following/belonging to a certain place. In Finderous, people don’t follow other people or topics, but they follow questions and places. Content is the king and that’s what people should follow, not who created the content.

Why do you do what you do? Is it to make money, to become famous, to retire, to kill boredom, WHAT?

-The only aim I have in my life is to create at least one absolutely stunning product.

Is there anything unique in what you do? And here ‘unique’ can mean anything – doing what’s been done for donkeys years and yet in a more cost efficient manner, or something new in a boring business or line or simply inventing something completely new?

– I can come up with new ideas very fast and I can implement them equally fast. I have decided to finish one idea every 3-4 months, then take rest for a month, ideate, and then get back in the game at full throttle.

What happens if this fails?
– Failure is the key to success. Fail, Learn, Modify, Retry.

Any one or two incidents that make you shiver or feel proud of your journey so far?

– I have always felt proud of whatever I have done until now. I am very proud of creating Drawmics and I regularly use it to post my own comics on it.

State one really bad habit and one good habit (if you actually have one)

– I sometimes ignore important things and get involved in my work too deep.
Good habit is that I always strive to bring a logical end to my tasks each day.

Famous last words to the readers ( if you knew you are going to be hit by a truck tomorrow, what would you like to tell the world (other than to be crossing the road safely)?
–   Feed on your dreams.

Finally, say YES below the next para:
I solemnly put my hand on my religious book/favorite novel and swear that what I have said above (including my photos) is the truth. So help me, Rodinhood


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