It is very likely that you’ll encounter financial issues while starting off a business. Trying to finance a small business becomes a very challenging task. No matter how great your business plan is, it is very difficult to win people’s confidence and make them invest in a business that comes without an established track record. Well, the picture is not totally dark as it might seem to you. There are people who can provide the necessary capital for your business. You have to remember the 3 Fs standing for Family, Friends and Fools when you’re looking to arrange funds for your business.
The following steps will help you arrange funds so that you can turn your business dream into a reality.
Make your own investment – Put in as much as of your own money as possible. Use money from your savings. There are chances of getting a bank loan if you have good credit history. You can fund your business with a mortgage loan as well. Making own investments adds solidity to your business plan and makes it more presentable.
Approach family and friends – You can always approach your family members. Show the business plan to your family members. Try to explain to them that you aren’t on the lookout for a loan or something like that. Tell them that you would be offering them equity in your business. Similarly, you can approach your friends with your business idea. Do not stretch things to a point where it may cost you your friendship. Tell them about the positives of the plan and see if they are willing to invest.
Don’t forget the fools – Last but not the least, consider people who might be willing to invest in your business owing to the faith that they have in your business plan. You’re unlikely to find people like that, but there’s no point in not trying your best and see if you can take advantage of what the situation presents.
Planning beforehand and looking in the right places will make sure you’re never short of funds when it comes to kick starting your business.
Jason Holmes is a regular writer with and is also a contributory writer with other financial sites. His expertise is woven around various aspects of the debt industry and with his e-books he tries to impart to people the different situations and simple solutions to get out of difficult situations.