
Are we a Dopamine addicted generation ?

I am honestly writing this article after closing my Facebook tab for like the nth time.

Here is the habit which is actually the reason for me writing this article, I constantly find myself going on the Facebook whenever I am idle.

And it is just to get a kick of Dopamine. That’s the place where my mind can mindlessly wander for some time.

What I realized from this is that if Dopamine is the end goal, then there can never be any contentment, you will always want more. I think that’s why I see more and more of my friends, including myself, getting bored of Facebook. We just want a different kick I guess.

This for me was a very disturbing observation and acceptance. That we just want activity.

The Buddhist have a term for this “The monkey mind”. Always trying to jump from one branch to the another but never really settling down.

There is never a problem in visiting a website. But the problem arises from the fact that no growth possible out of superficial experiences. No true soul searching or improvement takes place. Even the funny videos become routine after some time.

I urge the reader also to look back and analyze what are the habits you have that do not contribute anything to your growth but are just numbing you out.It could be anything from Facebook like me, porn, smoking cigarettes, drinking a lot. Stuff like this.

Now let me first give you some classical self growth advice. If stuff like this is replaced by more productive stuff. Like I choose to write this medium post rather than visiting Facebook again or watching YouTube videos. It was more productive, will help me to develop my though process on a problem, hopefully help you to do the same thing and also do some thing constructive for my brand and myself.

But I have another observation related to this. Look at all the thoughts in your head.

Let me speak of the thoughts in my head, because they are the only ones I know about. I hope yours are little more sorted then mine.

In all of my chains of thought, about future children, success at work, getting a lot of girls or some mythological wars happening in my head.

They are all my heroic tales which according to me are just manifestations of my craving for pleasure or justifications for running away from something.

So, readers, it is time for another pause, just see what manifest’s into your thoughts.

The reason why this is so important because it is our thoughts that never allow us to be completely present in this very moment.

Due to rampant technological advance in our time, we always have something new to do. Games, clubs, internet, traveling, you name it.

We are the generation for whom getting a kick of Dopamine in a short notice is always possible.

But for every action there is equal and opposite reaction. Rules of nature apply to our head as well.

Due to this quest for Dopamine, we loose our ability to remain still. Even waiting for a subway train most of us have to look into our phones, text, chat or think about something. We just can’t be present in the moment, something more is required.

The reason why this constant addiction to activity is wrong because we waste our energy in this chatter. Constant activity reduces our capability of immersive action.

The action can only come when you are completely in the moment. There is no mindless chatter or activity. Full awareness is there along with the joy of being in the moment.

I am working on a project, where as a community you can figure out the ten best links to solve a problem.

So, guys feel free to suggest links to my board on “Understading habits, how to break bad habit and create new habits

Do leave your suggestions and recommendations in the comment. Follow me on twitter @pavtiwana