
Bawi Bride opens Kitchen thanks to the Rodinhoods

I started the Bawi Bride blog 1.5 months ago on a whim while I was struggling my way through a Parsi recipe wishing that my mom is NZ was awake so I could just ask her for tips. I realised that there are many Bawi brides out there whom a Parsi food blog may help so I quickly started it up.

20 days later, I was happy I started as it became an outlet for me to share my writing and since then I have already learnt about 20 new Parsi dishes that I probably wouldn’t have otherwise.

What does this have to do with the Rodinhoods?

Well, on a similar whim early last week I posted a discussion wondering if there was a way that the blog could become a business considering how passionate I had become about it in the space of a month. I knew there were some uber talented people here so was hoping that I’d get a few ideas that could be implemented some months down the line. And, what a surprise it turned out to be.

Thanks to the awesome community I received so many responses on how I could improve and turn this passion into a business that I was completely overwhelmed and excited. 

Here’s what I’ve already achieved thanks to all of you:

Compared to the stuff that many achieve, I am aware that this is really nothing considering I have yet to make some revenue but I still cannot express my thanks. It is completely thanks to how motivated I felt when I received all those responses that I was able to take action.

A big shout out especially to Darshan Bhambiru, Sanjay Shenoy, Nameet Potnis and Sameer Guglani for connecting with me one-on-one. And ofcourse thank you also to Asha, Alok and everybody that commented – this could not have been possible without you!

Do check it all out and if you have any other comments, keep the feedback coming! | | | |