
Being Productive at 2win – a note I sent to all 2winners!!

Author –

This was the e-mail I sent to 2win team last week. If you find parts useful, use it for your own teams/startup!

Also, share tips you have found useful in the comments below!!



Dear 2winner,

As you will be aware, we completed the April appraisals on time and the increments (if any) were deposited in your April Salary itself. 

Thank you HODs!

In this process and over the 30 years of my working (in India), I have learnt a few lessons that I would request you to review to be much more productive in your work. 

This definitely applies to the 2win culture:

7 quick tips

1. Please DO NOT discuss/give instructions VERBALLY. PLEASE WRITE down points in a mail to colleagues, HODs, vendors and anyone you may be dealing with

CC YOURSELF in the mail so that your in-box also becomes a reminder service.

2. A lot of us forget things. That’s normal. Humans originally were supposed to hunt, protect, eat and sleep – not to remember 28 things to do!

Hence, please WRITE DOWN POINTS AND NOTES. Go to a meeting with a notepad and pen (supplied free at all receptions). RESPECT the meeting you attend by taking notes and then getting your deliverable actioned by mail.

3. If you ask your HOD to do something or pose a query, FOLLOW UP with him or her. DO NOT SAY, “I asked x and he did not reply…”. That’s being irresponsible!

If you don’t follow up on your deliverable, you are responsible – NOT the HOD.

If the HOD does not respond, please escalate to either MK or me – to whom the HOD reports to.

4. Please INNOVATE and be CLEVER! I am sure there are 10 ideas you have on “how to do what you do” better and more proficient. SHARE these directly with your HOD and mark me if you think it’s important.

JAPAN became JAPAN because of Kaizen. Look it up when you have the time.

We love good ideas and we will give you prizes (cash) and kudos for them!

5. Please don’t say things like “Oh, I THOUGHT….”. Don’t think. ASK. FIND OUT. Inquire. Test. Check. Probe. 

Taking things for granted will never get you far – either in life or at work.

6. Please, please, be AWARE of your environment and the market and the conditions of the Industry. For the first time in 15 years I came across a situation that a few employees were so UNAWARE of reality that it hurt them in the end.

Be aware. Not for me or the Company but for yourself.


We make HAPPINESS. That’s what Games are. If something is bothering you, holding you back, making you unsure, troubling you, please come to me. DON’T bottle things up. 

If you cant share it directly, just write a note on a paper and send it to me anonymously. Leave it at the reception desk and it will come to me. Just mark it “For Management” and it will reach the right hands.


I am introducing the concept of mid-year appraisals starting this month. 

It’s a simple idea: those whose appraisal is in DUE IN OCTOBER will be given a simple form to fill asking about how the past 6 months have been, etc. This is NOT A FINANCIAL (SALARY) appraisal. Rather a work appraisal, so that if people are misaligned to their jobs/have feedback, we receive it now rather than after 6 months.

There will be meetings face to face only if need.


Let’s make this Quarter – April – May – June a ROCKING ONE!!!


Wishing you the best,

Alok Kejriwal
CEO and Co-Founder
Games2win – a global top 20 online games biz

India Handphone + 91 98200-82558

‘In Karma I trust’
