
Black Money, SlideShare, Reacho, Lawyers, Introverts, Sweets & Inspiring Hyderabadis! [Sept. 19-25, 2015]

Hello Rodinhooder!

How did the week treat you?! It’s been kinda crazy here and my inbox keeps buzzing with Rodinhood excitement all day long!

The highlight, of course, was TRH Meetup in Hyderabad. Every event, be it meetup or Open House, we try to include one inspiring Rodinhooder story. This time we had THREE! This meetup opened many a mind, and left each one of us very inspired and in awe these entrepreneurs.  Do read this post and all the stories linked to them!

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The BIGGIES of the week…

Alok writes to the Finance Minister to seek a meeting. He proposes a Black Money Venture Fund to fuel Entrepreneurship. THIS IS A MUST MUST READ!

Rodinhooder Arjun has a confession to make. They copied Medium’s Design. Read why…

Read Atria’s incredible journey of building and selling an online sweet store. Interview by Saikat.

Selling – how it works.

In showcase:

Reacho – a crowdsourced hyperlocal news app


We’ve got 100+ videos on trh now! It’s a real goldmine full of incredible insights – so over the weekend do start digging through it!! 

Amit Ranjan on How to generate leads on SlideShare – do watch this webinar!

If customer service intrigues you – here’s SatisFIND’s founder on What customer service means to business.

Being Prepared. Watch Rodinhooder Mohsin’s first TEDx talk.


Rodinhooder Radhika attended an event and captured each session in the most creative way – by #LiveSketching

The truth about Startup Lawyers – comic of the week

The curse of being an introvert – part 2

Entrepreneurship kya hai? Prateek shares his freefalling musings…

There are heaps of intriguing posts in ASK – here’s an idea around Entertainment Industry Analytics – do take a minute out to share your inputs.


NPC2015 – By popular demand the special rodinhooder discount code has been extended to Sept. 27So REGISTER NOW or miss the chance to be at the DEADLIEST EVENT. [Alok’s moderating two panels so we intend to really rock the house!!]

We had a contest – one free ticket was up for grabs for NPC2015 – the winner will be announced next week. Do go through the entries via the comments – each story is a leapfrog moment worth reading! Also read how being at NPC (or missing it), both will kill you 🙂

Headstart’s PitchCITY Jaipur – a national level funding event, invites Rodinhooders to pitch!

Master Business Networking – an eGrowth Knowledge Series workshop 

Digital Defynd Chat Show – If communities excite you, chat with Akshay and me! We’ll be talking about what it takes to build & engage awesome communities! Digital Defynd is a new initiative started by Rodinhooder Prateek Shah, who says TRH is one community that has inspired him to start this one!!


That’s it from me this week. In case you missed my ramble last week – you can read it right here!


think. do. be. kind.



asha chaudhry

co-founder & editor 

