
Building an Oyo for Extra-Curricular Activities


Infinity Minds is trying to organize the after-school activity and hobby space by solving problems of the 3 key stakeholders. 

 1) Parents want their kids to join activity classes but

·         Find it difficult to search for qualified & professional tutors or classes in their neighbourhood

·         Accessibility is an issue – typically far from their home

2) Activity Tutors / Institutions

·         Expert in their activity, but do not invest in Marketing and Customer Acquisition, leading to un-utilised bandwidth

3) Play-schools

·         Current utilisation of space being at less than 50%, want to maximize revenue by increasing use of classrooms and office space after 2 pm.

·         Managing other activity tutors and then ownership of batch formation for activities becomes a headache


 Infinity Minds – The Professional Activity Hub

 One-stop destination to learn any new hobby/ activity from professionals with the convenience of a safe pick up & drop service.

 For Activity Institutions – Additional students without investing any time, energy or money in Marketing

 For Playschools – Utilisation of office space & classroom fetching them good return


 1 centre = 40 students in 2 months, with Rs.120,000 in revenues.

Starting up 3 centres by March 2016.


 Getting the right people to execute, currently being run by me and my Centre Manager. 

Would love to hear your views.


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