
What is a Graph Database? Why choose Neo4J among the other Graph Databases

Graph Database:

You should first understand about Graph Database before answering the question “Why choose Neo4J among the other graph databases”.Graph Database is simply a Database Engine that models both Nodes and Edges in the relational Graph as first-class entities. This allows you to represent complex interactions between your data in a much more natural form and often allows for a closer fit to the real-world data that you are working with.

Graph Databases also often allow us to apply Graph Theory to our data in an efficient manner, allowing us to discover connections from our data that are otherwise difficult to see. For example, minimal routes between nodes, or disjoint sets of our data.



Neo4j introduction:

Neo4j is used today by hundreds of thousands of companies and organizations in almost all industries like matchmaking, network management, software analytics, scientific research, routing, organizational and project management, recommendations, social networks, and more. Neo4j provides full database characteristics including ACID transaction compliance, cluster support, and runtime failover, making it suitable to use graph data in production scenarios.

Some particular features that made Neo4j very popular among users, developers, and DBAs and also answers the question “Why choose Neo4j”:

Best practices neo4:


Neo4j is designed for linking relationships with speed, ease, and extreme flexibility. Apart from social networking and recommendations systems, common applications for Neo4j include asset management, network management, master data management, and identity-based access control. With Neo4j it’s really easy to translate a mental model directly into a database schema.

If you have to deal with densely connected data, use Neo4j. If you are experimenting with various conceptual models of your data, Neo4j is easier to work with than SQL databases.