
Creative Unconference anyone? – No, Not the usual boring ones! This is the Roadtrip Experience Project!

It all started with a question – “What would happen if we put a designer, a filmmaker, a writer, a musician &  an entrepreneur in a car and send them to Himalayas?”

….at a creative conference this year In a conversation between..a sound engineer, an art director & an experience designer. Reason enough to take the idea seriously.

RTX & The Plan:

Roadtrip Experience Project is a generative travel experiment for doers, dreamers & influencers to connect, collaborate & indulge in epiphanies flagging off from Delhi on Independence Day!

Over the course of the 9-days, travelers will collaborate on Storytelling sessions, BrainTsunamis, Free-styling, Photo Projects & creating awesomeness.

Our Collaborators include – CampusDiaries, BeingOutThere & Myles from CarzonRent who are backing us with 6 SUVs to self-drive to the trip. Hell Yea!

Here are a couple of Experiences planned for the #roadtrip:

Whats Next?

We have received a crazy response from over 90+ creative individuals from different fields, brands love the idea & we are psyched for August to come! 24 people will get on the roadtrip to Himalayas. And we have made sure everyone has a story. 🙂

We start our Crowdfunding Campaign next week on Interestingly Rajat & I connected on theRodinhoods..Kudos to the platform! Do headover and check them out!

To join the trip headover to!

Shareworthy – 

In life these kind of epiphanies often happen, with all of us. Those self-eureka moments & creative brainwaves. Nurture that idea..Work on them..Never doubt your Gut..Get out there & Make it happen..

Headover for more action to or @rtxproject!

Love. Cheers. RoadTrip.


PS – Expect a documentary when we get back, the stories, experiences & interactions yet to happen. 🙂