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Crossroads in Life

‘Life is hard and then you die’. I heard this line on a Shark Tank episode. One of the billionaire sharks said this – ironically. This led me to really introspect on the importance of each moment that we have which we literally burn away. To decide what priorities you have in life, what sort of a person you are.

At every stage in my life, I come at crossroads and  ask my self – what my next step should be. Should it be the ‘right’ one. The right one is where I choose a safe path, a path which leads me to a station that I know, a train that I know, to a destination that I know. Or should I take a path, which , when I look back at life when I’m 70 , I wont regret taking. Eventually logic prevails and I decide to take the safer path. [??]

And then I don’t.

I never have. This has led me down roads which have been different, maybe not always risky, but not necessarily in my comfort zone. Am I an ‘entrepreneur’? Not really. I haven’t started a company. I’v built some products. Some during my college and some in my spare time today – (  being one I’m working on ). I arrive at cross roads quite often where I ask myself what I am. Am I Jon Snow (geek alert!) who would much rather go in the wild solo and take the black – with no responsibilities to look after,  or am I Robb, who should take the burden of of kins and kingdoms on his shoulder. Risk. or safety. Independence or Responsibility. Passion or Commitments.

I then realize, it doesn’t really matter. What really matter is the question I already addressed – When I’m on my deathbed, will I look back at this decision and be proud of it or regret it? If I had to change it , I would need to go back in time to do it. This is that moment. And its not for me. I believe everyone is at cross-roads in life whenever they are faced with decisions. 

Its the path you choose today that will make you proud of yourself or define a life of regret. The beauty is – your next crossroad is always close by, and so is the next opportunity to change. 


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