I had some pathetic but interesting experience will Dell recently.
I ordered a Dell laptop from Dell website a couple of day back. Dell does not sell it’s laptop online directly to customers but they have outsourced the process to a local company named CompuIndia.
The interesting part is that the laptops with same configuration are priced differently at both websites.
I was promised 2 days delivery. While tracking my shipment I came to know that they shipped my Rs 35,000 laptop through regular post. And that is what happened after that. My laptop is roaming all around the country ! –
I am still to receive my laptop after 9 days. It was much easier to go to nearest laptop shop and pick one.
Be careful when ordering something online. If you are buying one from even a well known store ask them how they are shipping it. The e-commerce sites are running in ‘cost cutting’ mode now-a-days.
And sincere advise if you are daring enough to buy a Dell don’t buy from their site.