With the shutting of big electronics retail chains like Next Retail, eZone, Reliance Digital due to low margins and high operational expenses, Due to think India is on the verge of kickstarting the online retail revolution.
With the shutting of big electronics retail chains like Next Retail, eZone, Reliance Digital due to low margins and high operational expenses, Due to think India is on the verge of kickstarting the online retail revolution.
Himanshu Mody
are these stores shutting ?
Dhruv goyal
Yes few of their stores just to reduce their operational loses.
There is an article in today’s Economics times.
Himanshu Mody
A few of the stores closing does not mean end of offline. I think a combination of online + offline model will do great and will not be surprised if someone like the future group pulls it off.
Dhruv goyal
Ultimately it will only be Online in coming few years or a combination of offline and online.
Yes offline and online model will be a great combination as it fulfill the needs of both kind of customers. Electronics being a price competitive market will lead to the extinction of small online retailers (If low price is being their USP). Of course these big giants procurement will be at a much cheaper price than others.
But definitely these retail chains will reduce there stores.