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Experia stands for ‘Experience Art’. Its a pet project which has been in the works for quite a while and one which we finally launched a few days back.

If you ask anyone in India to name a great photographer, chances are they will most probably say Raghu Rai or Dayanita Singh.

They are both great photographers and have done a lot for photography as an art form in this country.

However, there are a lot of younger photographers who are doing great work but are not so well known and don’t always have the wherewithal to display their work on a public platform.

Experia is one such public platform, where we will showcase one new work of art, everyday, from a younger crop of artists from all over India.

So yes, if you enjoy fine art photography, do check out Experia.

Comments and Feedback welcome 🙂


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  1. Hey Abhik,

    A picture can speak a thousand words!

    Its great that you are helping these young artists, however just like your logo we come to your website for an experience and an experience deserves quality. Is there a curator to your website who decides what pictures go up? Is there a background that makes this curator capable of pointing out basic flaws and leading the young artist in the right direction while promoting good quality work on your website?

    Congrats on commencing…

  2. Hi Pawan,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Yes, we have a Curatorial team which decides which works go up and when, on our website.

    The way it works is:

    1.) Our Team identifies various artists and shortlists some works of art which we think are suitable for the platform
    2.) They then get in touch with the artist to discuss if they are ok with that picture or they would prefer to showcase another  work which better defines their body of work

    We don’t critique works of art or provide feedback to the artists on how to improve.

    Different people have different takes on art and our focus is to showcase a varied genre by younger artists…which is why you might like some works and not some others. The idea is to introduce the artist to you the viewer and if you like their work, you can explore more of their work on the artist’s website or fb pages.

    Hope this helps. 



  3. Great concept, and wonderful photography. However, the website seems very static. Could you maybe have a panel below the ‘Photograph of the day’ showing the previous photographs of the week, or something like that? Also, I was just wondering, do you showcase only photographs, or paintings as well? I like how you’ve incorporated FB commenting into every post to get a conversation going.

  4. Sounds good Abhik,

    However a little summary about the curators and why they have been chosen as curators may bring in more trust before the actual target audience can filter the artists.

    Perhaps rating work would be a good idea as this is a competitive world and after all artists really need to know if their work is being appreciated. It would be great if you could incorporate a list of criteria for the rating so it does not turn into a popularity contest.

    Wishing you all the best!

    P.S. I am a big fan of your writing.

  5. pawan… that makes two of us!


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