
Facebook Timeline. A picture is worth a thousand words!

Facebook is planning to make its new Timeline format available for Brands soon. Reports indicate that the announcement will be made in its first ever event specifically for marketers called FMC to be held in New York on Feb 29. 

As you may remember, Timeline was first launched back in September for select users and was rolled out in December to everyone. Timeline gave users an opportunity to visually tell the story of your life. Users can post the timeline of most memorable events of their life such as your first day at school, college graduation, wedding or family reunions.

Nothing is more powerful than your memories, what you are, is shaped by your experiences including the brands you grew up with. Timeline will allow Brands to re connect with you and take you back through the journey of life. It will allow them to communicate via powerful visuals, rather than drown you down with heavy text. Brands can organize and focus on what is important to them.

Much like how Google’s self service ad words platform encouraged and brought in a whole new range of small business online, these visually striking Timeline pages may get the much needed attention from small business owners. This smart move by Facebook will hopefully encourage businesses to spend more advertising dollars on Facebook.

In the meantime, since Facebook announced Timeline, Google + and Twitter have announced their own Brand pages.

A picture is worth a thousand words. 

Aneja Raj