
From Mercedes Pick Ups to Rickshaw Drop Offs – What’s Next?

It was a late summer evening in April this year, when I was heading to the Mumbai international airport for my first business trip as an entrepreneur and founder of Optic Bridge Technologies. On the way I followed my usual routine: caught up with my three sisters on the phone, exchanged a few SMSes with friends, made some small talk with the driver to understand what’s a day like in his life, and ended up with a quick lovey-dovey call with my wife and kid.


Typically after doing all this, I am usually just about to reach the airport, but this time to my surprise we had covered only three-fourth of the way. We had taken the normal route, the traffic seemed usual for that time of the day, the driver was driving at max permissible speed, and it still felt that it was taking way too long. What had changed, I wondered?


It soon dawned on me that the only variable that changed in my typical journey to the airport, was that this time around I was traveling in a rickshaw and not a Mercedes. I soon WhatsApp’ed a close group of family, and wrote the exact title of this blog “From Mercedes Pick Ups to Rickshaw Drop Offs”, and they knew precisely what I meant. What ensued after that was a time that I had to myself to reflect on how I got here. Thankfully, they still serve unlimited alcohol in the Economy class, which made the arduous two stop 34 hours flight from Mumbai to San Francisco a little easy 🙂


As you read through the rest of the blog, the question that you want to ask yourself is “How many times in your personal and professional lives, have you dealt with significant Changewhether forced upon you or self-initiated?


So let me step back a little and share with you a list of key changes that I’ve gone through:










Finally, being the kind of person I am, nothing is complete without a visual summary of what I want to communicate. Here’s one about my journey so far, and where I want to be (this came from my heart in less than 15 mins while waiting at the airport).


So, if you were to chart your journey like the one above (can’t take a long time):


    1. What date(s) would you pick (days you think were of most significance)?


    1. What would go on the left (how you got here)?


    1. What would go on the right (where you want to be)?


    1. What would the trajectory look like on the right (for me I’m guessing two phases of hockey-stick pattern)?



PS: Here’s a link to my LinkedIn profile if you want a summary of key takeaways from the above, and follow my activities online. Feel free to connect. With this along with my last post, I think you’ve now caught up to where I’m today. I look forward to keep writing on topics that help and inspire the larger community on TRHS.