
Help!! Adware everywhere

Hello friends

I am here with a problem being faced from the last 5-6 days. Whenever I open a website that particularly uses Google Analytics code or Google Adsense code, My system, phone browser responds in a weird way. When I click on any link, it opens a new browser tab and directs me to some ads and unrelated content. Looks like my system is infected.. or my entire network? Not sure.

I own two WordPress websites and was facing the same issue there as well. I tried to disable the Google Analytics code and Google Adsense code and everything started working fine. When I re-enabled them, the ads started popping again in a new tab. Even TRHS website is behaving the same way.

I tried to look for a solution on Google and other forums but couldn’t get anything working for me.

Just wanted to know if anyone is facing the same issue or faced something similar in the past? 

Please help in case you have any idea about how to remove these ads. Right now I am using adblock extension for chrome and it is somewhat preventing the ads. I know it is not the correct way as it only closes the newly opened ads tab and does not prevent it from being opened at the first place.

Any help appreciated.


PS : Please find the screenshots below :

On clicking the Members tab, it opens a new browser tab with some ads..

Anoop Nair | @ance2006

Nair’s Recipe