About moviebuddy
moviebuddy is a Social App on movies… https://goo.gl/VO66iN
- It lists all Upcoming Movies and Latest Releases for languages that the User selects.
- All the content of a movie can be seen in One Screen like Posters, Banners, Cast, Crew, Trailers, Songs, Synopsis, Release Dates
- Users can Watch Trailers & Songs, create their own Wanna Watch list, get Alerts on release
dates, Rate, Review & Recommend movies - Users can also see the Ratings & Reviews of their Friends, Family & Contacts and other moviebuddy users
- Everything can be Shared on Facebook, Twitter & WhatsApp in just One Tap
- Live with 9 languages – English, Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam – Only App that shows movie listing of these many languages
- moviebuddy started as a small experiment on the side and has now grown into a big application and business opportunity with more than 50,000 downloads and a 4.1 rating (800 users)
- Its not even a registered company right now – Currently its just me as an individual, supported by a company managing the product and technology
- Gets more than 4 mins of Average Session Time in the App and high level of interaction from users
- Supported by a Portal as well – www.moviebuddy.me
- iOS version releasing by end of the month
- Over 1000 movies database
- In talks to raise some angel funding and then hire a manager to lead this
What am I looking for?
- Preferred App Users – Users who can give me qualitative feedback on the App and be registered as Beta Testers – All that they have to do is use the App and be a part of building / testing new features… They will get priority updates and lotsa goodies, movie tickets and premier passes in return.
- Social Media – moviebuddy does not have a Social Media strategy – Just a presence on
facebook and Twitter with 50K likesSEM and SEO experts
- Growth Managers – ideas around what else can be done for an App like this
- Digital Marketing – Someone who can help can handle conventional marketing, PR, campaigns, alliances, partnerships etc
- App and Mobile Experts – People who understand the mobile ecosystem well and how to build a great app form an idea – Downloads, Installs, Engagement, Usage etc
Looking for any kind of Professional Help / Support / Service / Consultation / Partnership I can get… Individuals, Experts, Freelancers, Companies, Agencies, Advisors, Mentors, Board Members, Co-Founders and Potential Employees… One time Project, Retainers, Equity, Employment – whatever works
I have a 24 hour job of being a CEO and hence cannot dedicate time for moviebuddy… and hence the NEED of Professionals who can run and manage this
Folks interested please write on rudrajeet@outlook.com
About me
I am a 35 year old first generation Tech & Internet entrepreneur. Co Founder & CEO of ideacts innovations. An Internet Media company funded by Sequoia Capital and Saama Capital. Currently working on 2 more Products in the Tech space where also would be looking for similar help and services
Awesome guy to work with. Let’s spread the word with my circle 🙂 All the best.
Anish Das
check your email. looking forward to an epic journey!
Rudrajeet Desai
thanks Anish… will certainly look into it and revert
Rudrajeet Desai
thanks Hari 🙂
eshan kumar
Hi Rudrajeet,
Added a comment with suggestions on your launch post.
I am highly interested in being a preferred app user for your product, please count me in for this.
Eshan (eshan.1105@gmail.com)
Rudrajeet Desai
Thanks a ton for the reply and the comment Eshan… and very helpful points…
We are in the process of putting a structure to our Beta program and will connect with you very soon. Which phone do you use?
eshan kumar
You’re welcome Rudrajeet, it is my pleasure to help you out.
Currently I am using MotoG Gen 1, with Android L.
Rudrajeet Desai
can you then please also download the app and share feedback… will anyways connect with you soon
eshan kumar
Downloaded and using it already, will share feedback soon.
eshan kumar
Hey Rudrajeet,
Here is my one day experience of using MovieBuddy.
My overall experience is very good, content loads quick enough, UI looks good, I really liked that there is so much of functionality available to user.
Below are some of my questions, suggestion and further thoughts.
1. First and foremost how do I add new buddies who are not in my contact list, is it supposed to be like whatsapp where I can chat with my contacts only. Because I would love to be friends/follow people(at this platform only) who are not in my contact list but share my taste in movies.
I even added your number in my phone’s contacts to see how contacts work hoping that you must have this app on your phone but it is not showing you as a contact in the app, I guess both persons need to have each others contact in their phone for this to work.
(I got your number from one of the posts here only just to test this and not to stalk you or anything)
2. Why does the app is showing all the released movies till date in “Now Playing” section, movies like Intersteller which released in November 2014 is shown in now playing section.
Suggestion: You might need to handle this by creating a category of “Movies You Missed” or by changing the name of “Now Playing” to “Released”.
1. Search currently shows the results when the spelling is accurate, which could be improved by “did you mean” kind of thing.
Home Screen:
Movie Detail Screen:
I am not so sure about these suggestions but just to state:
1. I think changing the name of section that list contacts from “Contacts” to “Buddies” and similarly on movie detail page from “My contacts” to “My Buddies” will make more sense.
2. I think placing “Now playing” category before “Upcoming” would make more sense, what do you think on this?
3. It was not very intuitive for me to what “My Favorites” is, on movie detail screen under “Buddies say” tab. But later when I saw star icon besides contacts and then I understood that these are the favorites contacts (kind of best buddies). Maybe because I was trying to figure out everything on app in a single day. Just a thought on this, you see even Facebook categorizes my friends into close friends, friends, acquaintances and other categories but it did not asked me to do so at first place, it figured it out by calculating my engagement with those friends (I like their posts – they like mine, I get tagged in their photos – they get in mine etc.), you see its very subtle. I don’t know but categorizing friends into best buddies doesn’t sounds like a good idea to me, may be you can also calculate my engagement level with my contacts(Buddies) and then categorize them at your end.( This is a very far fetched idea and may be not helpful at all).
That’s all I have for now, will continue to provide feedback.
Cheers !!!
asha chaudhry
eshan – this is awesome. you should be the official app feedback giver on trhs!! pls do take a look at our showcase section and see where you can contribute by giving feedback to rodinhooders!!
pls write to me asha@rodinhood.com and claim your rodinhood laptop skin!!
eshan kumar
One more suggestion Rudrajeet,
I have used many apps where the menu (like in your app) is accessible when I drag my screen (apart from touching the icon), in the same way as we can drag for “Upcoming” section from “Home Screen/Feed” in your app.
This could be a neat functionality too, I think.
eshan kumar
thanks asha, glad to be of any help.
eshan kumar
Any updates on movie buddy Rudrajeet ?