
Home Automation – PoC – how to go about for funding?

Hi All

I’m a technical guy with around 10 years of industry experience (and an experience of a failed startup although as a consultant only).

I’ve developed a proof of concept(PoC) of home automation. This PoC is a demo to switch on and off two bulbs connected to a socket board via smart phone over the internet. The same can be done with any appliance in the house. A small video(3 minutes) is embedded below. More details can be found at


Now, I would like to go full time into developing a product which would not only scale the product but would include security, profiling, manufacturing, adding further features to self-manage an installation by end-user etc by starting a company. But can’t leave my day job without any investment. Also, a few people are willing to join me but again the problem is that they won’t be able to leave their jobs without getting some remuneration.

Should I approach angel investors with this prototype or is it too early? What is the best way to move forward. I’ve not stopped working on further developing the product.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

