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How do i acquire the list of all possible products ?

How do i acquire the list of all possible products ever manufactured across all categories? Ofcourse the previous statement is an ideal case, but how close can i get to it? Are there any paid services that provide the required info? Or any free service or anything else?

Lets take an example of They have a good listing of many (1.8 crore as stated in their website) products along with its specs. How can i acquire that data? Scraping junglee would be an option but would that be ethical? Moreover it would take a good amount of time given the bandwidth and hardware resources i have.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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  1. If you are just starting up, I would suggest you look for broad categories(like books, apparel, laptops) 3-4 below that and then the products under that. Even this is a tiresome process.

    I would suggest you go lean as of now then pivot as and when you should. (please check out this for more information).

  2. Thanks Aparna, but my application will work better with more data. The bigger and more variant the dataset, the better the app. So

  3. You can use the Amazon Product Service API:

    or try (For Indian Products)

    Are you trying to put together something like Junglee – a CSE?

  4. thanks for your input Indy. No i am not working on a comparison shopping engine. Its more of a product discovery engine. 🙂 anyway thanks

  5. and wow is infact very useful for me. Thanks and god bless you. I was struggling for about 2 months to find such data. Thanks a lot Indu

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