E&Y saves about $5,00,000 a year by using remanufactured printer cartridges. What started as a Go Green drive resulted in massive savings as told by Leisha John, E&Y Americas’ Director of Environmental Sustainability.
But why do we in India not look at this great savings option seriously. I am summarising some of my observations and invite everyone’s comment on the same:
1. Indians are bad at adopting trends
2. We are serious about personal savings but give a damn to saving for our companies
3. We are cost conscious only in our personal lives but ignore the same while at work
4. In India Go Green is just a fancy term. Acquiring Carbon Credits or Energy efficient buildings or using Remanufactured Cartridges is still a western concept
Meanwhile, if you want to read the news on Ernst & Young’s savings click here . If you want to read the entire interview of Leisha John click here
kinnari thacker dave
nice & yummy strawberry 🙂