
How many Fake Twitter followers do you have??

I read this news article in the morning with amusement:

The online article is available here 

When I posted this on FB, someone said, “Alok surely will have fake followers too”

I was intrigued.

This is my Twitter Profile Dashboard:

I am poor on Twitter 🙁

Now, if you have LOTS of followers, typically:

– You follow lots of people and they reciprocate you by following you back.

– You are REALLY popular.

– Your popularity IS FAKE (on twitter) – You have some sidey agency padding up followers 🙂

This is my result:

I think 5% is passable.

Also, 73% GOOD is GOOD!

The site that checks out Twitter health –

So, check your Twitter scores and share them here if you want.

And if you have too many fakes, tell your ‘agency’ to buzz off…!

LONG LIVE THE INTERNET. Where everything is transparent!!!
